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20周年院庆系列学术活动 | 管理理论前沿系列讲座第88期:加拿大纽芬兰大学柯奕教授
主 题:危险品应急管理研究(Managing Emergency Logistics for Hazardous Materials)
主讲人:Dr. Ginger Y. Ke(柯奕) 教授
主持人:张芸荣 青年研究员
时 间:2024年4月26日 09:00-11:00
地 点:兰州大学城关校区齐云楼501-503会议室
This presentation discusses the management of emergency logistics for hazardous materials, with a special focus on the impact of possible system disruptions on system performance. More particularly, we first present a time-varying risk assessment method that takes into consideration the population dynamism. Then the two-stage robust optimization approach is employed to formulate two mixed-integer programming models, namely the basic and expanded unit commitment models, for managing a reliable emergency response system. The locations of emergency facilities are determined in the first stage, and recourse decisions are made in the second stage after the uncertain disruptions are realized. A column-and-constraint-generation algorithm is used to solve the proposed models exactly and tested on various-sized random instances. A real-world case study with a series of numerical analyses reveals managerial insights that can be applied to facilitate more effective and efficient emergency responses. The presentation concludes with a brief discussion of possible future research directions.
Dr. Ginger Y. Ke(柯奕)于暨南大学获得管理信息系统学士学位,于加拿大温莎大学获得工商管理学士学位,并于加拿大滑铁卢大学获得系统工程硕士学位及管理科学博士学位。现任加拿大纽芬兰大学商学院教授(硕导、博导),并在加拿大滑铁卢大学管理科学系及加拿大温莎大学机械汽车及材料工程系任兼职教授。2015及2022年,她的研究项目获得加拿大国家自然基金(NSERC)立项。她在学习及工作期间共在知名国际刊物及学术会刊上发表65篇论文,并在各类国际学术会议上做过四十余次研究学术报告,涵盖决策论、博弈论、运筹学、物流及供应链管理,部分论文刊登于European Journal of Operational Research、International Journal of Production Economics、International Journal of Production Research、Transportation Research、Journal of Cleaner Production、Computers and Operational Research等刊物,曾为Production and Operations Management、Omega、Information Sciences、Naval Research Logistics等四十多个国际学术刊物及会议刊物做过评审。